Exciting Developments in the Instruxi and Space and Time Partnership

Today, Instruxi is proud to open-source two projects to the Space and Time developer community. First, a TypeScript fork of the SxT Node.js SDK, introducing enhancements that further empower developers working with Space and Time's innovative technology. Secondly, we are proud to release the first version of SxT-Utils, a powerful task manager for Hardhat that builds on the SxT Typescript SDK.

Embracing TypeScript
The TypeScript port brings the benefits of static type checking, enhanced tooling support, and improved developer productivity. This upgrade facilitates a more robust and efficient development experience while maintaining compatibility with the original SDK.

Leveraging ethers.js
Integrating with the widely-adopted ethers.js library streamlines key management, transaction signing, and interactions with Ethereum nodes and wallets. Developers can now seamlessly incorporate their existing ethers.js workflows and wallet provider setups when building with the TypeScripted SxT SDK.

These additional enhancements provide developers with a more accessible and developer-friendly environment to unleash the full potential of SxT's decentralized data capabilities.

By combining the power of the SxT Typescript SDK and Hardhat, developers can build and deploy dapps that interact with the SxT decentralized data warehouse without the need for setting up traditional server infrastructure. SxT-Utils is a seemless integration with Hardhat that allows developers to write, test, and deploy their data models and routes alongside their smart contracts in a tightly coupled local development environment. Today, SxT-Utils supports the following features implemented over the Hardhat task manager:

- Web3 session authentication
- Subscription management
- Schema creation
- DQL, DML, and DDL
- Views and routes
- Data modeling
- Biscuit ACL
- Create and backup table security
- Backup and restore project

This serverless approach streamlines the development process, reduces infrastructure costs, and enhances scalability and resilience, as developers can leverage Space and Time's decentralized architecture to handle data storage and computation in a secure and transparent manner, without the need for centralized servers or databases.

By open-sourcing our contributions, we invite collaboration and aim to foster a vibrant ecosystem around this groundbreaking technology. The developer community can expect to see a robust test suite and the addition of newer SxT features going into the summer.

New Partnership Level
Instruxi is now an approved Integration and Development Partner for SxT. This designation facilitates deeper technological integration, enabling developers to efficiently blend SxT capabilities with enterprise systems. This is particularly beneficial for enterprises seeking to integrate legacy systems without in-house Web3 expertise.

Tiered Service Levels
To meet diverse client needs, Instruxi are introducing tiered service levels:

Level 1: Open Sourced SxT Utils
Level 2: SxT Utils + Remote Customer Support
Level 3: SxT Utils + Full SxT Implementation and Integration Services + Remote Customer Support
Level 4: Full SxT Implementation and Integration Services +  Ongoing Managed Service Support
Each level is designed to offer scalable solutions that provide flexibility and value, ensuring that all customers can find a package that suits their needs while leveraging our cutting-edge technology for maximum benefit. SxT and Intruxi will be sharing training videos and running AMAs on discord in the coming weeks.

Next Steps

Join the Instruxi Discord here to ask questions,  report bugs, or make feature requests


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